While catching up on some blog reading, I came across this post by Neil Gaiman where he shared scans of an article he wrote for Knave in 1984 (if you don't know, Knave appears to be the British cousin of Penthouse), where he interviewed Mr. Harrison. The scans are hell on the eyes to read, so I took the time to transcribe the article as I absorbed it. It is certainly worth sharing.
month Neil Gaiman offers us interviews with top Science Fiction writers, and
every month we refuse. (Not an easy trick, the Editor is also a Science Fiction
fan.) But at last we crumble. Apart from being one of the very best in this
field, Harry Harrison is about to publish... A Bestseller. So here's the man
behind West of Eden -- read all about
want you to know that I have nothing against photographers. I mean, some of my
best friends are photographers. They are, for the most part, intelligent,
good-natured people, frequently good for a drink, a cigarette, or an
introduction to one of the models. But photographers do seem to share one
fault: an incredibly cavalier attitude about punctuality.
was why I was waiting outside the National History Museum with author Harry
Harrison, making excuses for the non-appearance of the photographer. I needn't
have bothered. He knew all about it. In fact, Harry knew more about the
non-appearance of the photographer clan than I did. After all, Harry's been a
photographer. Or rather, Harry's been everything. And everywhere. Well, almost.
you read Science Fiction, you've read something by Harry Harrison, a stocky,
white-bearded American, with a growling, rapid-fire voice. He's written books
as diverse as the humorous Stainless
Steel Rat series, about a far-future super crook, and SF's Catch 22, Bill, the Galactic Hero, to Make
Room Make Room, a terrifying study in overpopulation (made into the film, Soylent Green); he's even the author of Great Balls of Fire; A History of Sex in
Science Fiction Illustration. Altogether over thirty books, all of them
currently in print.
where the hell's the photographer?" asked Harry when I arrived.
"Late, huh? Photographers are always late."
waited around for an hour. Harry told me tales of his past -- the time he
supported himself by writing for conffession magazines, such stories as "I Cut Off My Own Arm", "I Ate A Pygmy" ("For the
photograph we put a doll's arm on a plate and covered it with tinned stewing
stgeak. Looked revolting.") and even "I Went Down With My Ship" ("That one was
difficult.") Still no photographer.
told me of his time on such magazines as Dude
and Gent (defunct American Men's
Magazines). Like the time they had to pose a girl with a lion for a 'Beauty and
the Beast' pictorial. ("So anyway, there's this gigantic lion, four-inch
claws, lying there on the bed next to the girl and it puts its paw on her tit, and the girl says 'Hey!
This lion's got its paw on my breast!' so I said, it's OK, it's a female lion.
She said 'That's OK, then" and I got the hell out of there...")
only one hour late, the photographer arrived. Then we had a brief tussle with
the museum authorities over whether or not we could take photos in their museum
of Harry and dinosaurs. (We shot them, but I have no idea whether or not you'll
see them). Then, with a photographer hell-bent on making up for lost time, we
headed out into the big wide world for more photographs.
dinosaurs? Well, Harry's just written a bestseller. It isn't actually published
yet, you understand (it gets published about the time you read this) but it's
due to be a bestseller nonetheless. That's the category it's being published in
-- for, like War, Romance, or Western, 'Bestseller' has become just another
publishing category, with a certain kind of book jacket and a certain kind of
advertising budget. Harry's is called West
of Eden, and it is about, yes, dinosaurs. But more on that later.
near the end of the evening, the photographer ran out of steam, and I got to
turn on my tape recorder and ask Harry questions. Like -- how did he get
started off in World War Two being drafted into the army. Spent four years as a
machine-gun instructor and computer gun-sight specialist. Came out of the army
and wanked around for a year trying to decide what I wanted to do, eventually
went to art school with a lot of famous (today) comic artists and people. Then
I wound up editing, writing and packaging comic-books for publishers."
one? I wondered. "Nothing you've heard of. True Stories Behind the Postage Stamps, Ranchland Romances. An imitation MAD magazine called -- if you'll pardon the expression -- NUTS. Actually I was even 'Aunt
Harriet', the problems page of Ranchland
Romances -- can you imagine the kind of people who'd write to the problems
page of a comic? 'Dear Aunt Harriet, I'm pregnant and I'm fifteen and I haven't
told anyone...'
must have done every goddam job in comics and magazines that you can do! Take
Men's Magazines. I've written 'em, illustrated 'em, laid 'em out, art directed,
written copy. Even shot pictures with someone else's Leica. The whole gamut. I
was a publisher, fronting for another publisher. Hell, back then we had to
write the readers' letters, I even did that!
there were the Confessions magazines. I had a friend who was a premed student,
and he'd tell me true stories which I'd turn into fictionalised confessions.
Like "My Iron Lung Baby" --
the punch-line is where the doctor says to the girl in the iron lung is having
a baby, 'Squeeze!' and she says 'I can't doc, I have no muscles!' Good stuff,
moved at this time, with his wonderful wife Joan and their year-old baby, from
New York to Mexico, and from there to London. ("Those were the good old
days -- two rooms, all-in, three meals a day, just twelve guineas a
week.") But those were also the days before the Clean Air Act, and the
Harrisons weren't too keen on the pea-soup fogs and clammy air, so they went to
Italy, where they lived a year, back to the US for the birth of another baby,
and then to Denmark. ("I went for a visit and stayed for seven years,
which I suppose tells you a lot about me or Denmark.") Back to California,
then to London and more recently, Ireland.
Ireland? "Well, we were supposed to be buying a house in London, but the
deal fell through. In those days if you bought two round-trip tickets to Dublin
you got a free car for a week. So my wife and I wandered round Ireland, and
we've stayed there. We don't care where we live as long as we're enjoying
ourselves. Ireland is out of the way, but they put a road through our house in
California, and I didn't want that to happen again! I've lived in all these
strange places for one very good reason -- it seemed like a good idea at the
asked him to tell me a little about West
of Eden, his thick and thrilling dinosaur novel.
there are times in your life when you have an idea that transcends what came
before it. And this idea -- what if the dinosaurs hadn't died out seventy
million years ago? What would the world be like? I could have just tossed it
away on a short novel, in a year, but instead... you see, the thing is that SF
is full of closet readers -- like full professors who teach PhD courses -- who
are SF fans. So with a few of these friends I worked out the entire world
first. A world in which intelligent dinosaurs exist, and then within that world
I wrote the book.
having been around a long time, I had the time, and the energy, and with
thirty-two books in print, the money, to stay alive for three or four years
while not writing a book a year, but
to take three or four years off and really write to the best of my ability. So
I worked my ass off and wrote what I hope is a fairly good novel. You never get
all the way... close enough is good enough."
read some of the typescript for the book (which I found absorbing) I commented
to Harry that his dinosaurs were not just people with scales. "Quite the
opposite! I really researched the! Like I worked with Professor Jack Cohen, of
Birmingham University. He's the world expert on fertilisation. Working with him
I found out more about those rotten lizards than I care to know. He'd say
things like 'Eighty-five percent of all lizards have two penises.' I said
'Jack, what do they want with two penises?' 'Well, if one gets tired they use
the other one!' And so much of the lifestyle is equally exotic. With the aid of
a really good biologist and a really good linguist I built the most alien
aliens ever seen from the creatures
we saw today in the Natural History Museum. I mean... if a Tyrannosaurus Rex
came up to you on a dark night and asked for a light for his fag... you've
really met an alien!
dedicated the book to the guys I worked on it with. I could have done it
without them, but it would have been a very different book."
it's being marketed as a bestseller? "Yeah. Big displays, big budgets
(they're spending more on the advertising than they paid me for the book!), a
big design job, and it has BESTSELLER printed on the cover, so it goes on the
bestseller racks of the bookshops. I'm not sure that works all the time, but
it's better than just throwing the book out sideways and hoping."
also beats being a starving writer -- which Harry has also been. At one point
in Italy his agent had stopped sending money and Harry was down to his last 100
lira. "I thought I can use the 100 lira either to buy a litre of milk for
the baby, or to buy a stamp to send a letter to my agent, asking him again for the money." He wound up
getting credit on the milk, and then, in the nick of time, help arrived, in the
usual form of Flash Gordon.
was offered the job of scripting the Flash
Gordon newspaper strip, leapt at it and continued doing it for the next ten
years. It was to allow him the freedom to continue writing. "You
see," he explained, "there are two ways to go freelance. Either you
support yourself, or you go for foundations and grants and things; and I found
it easier to write -- well, not crap,
as Flash wasn't crap -- but stuff I
didn't care about, to support what I wanted to do rather than give up the ambiance
under which I could write novels.
ambition was to earn as much as the lift operator who worked in the publishing
house that published my novels. It took me fifteen years to get that far."
he rich now?
I'm not rich now, four years ago I had a sixteen thousand pound overdraft. I've
broken even now. I have money in the bank, I own my own house, I've stayed
alive. Had cars. The kids got educated. That's rich enough. We've lived... not
hand-to-mouth, but a lot of times I've had to borrow money from my agent or my
publisher, had nothing in the bank ever, but I don't think I'd have it any
other way... I'm not asking for praise or anything. That was how I did it. And
here I am coming out the other end."
great deal has changed since Harry started writing SF all those years ago. What
does he think of today's Science Fiction?
"DREK! There's too much SF being
published. There are too many slots to fill (six books a week instead of six a
month). It's also very easy to write fantasy and very difficult to write hard
SF." (ie: SF dealing with the so-called Hard Sciences) "So you get
boring writers working for boring editors writing boring books."
there anybody he'd like to single out for particular blame?
of them! Especially what I call the Tears n' Tampax school of SF, all the
dragons and dreamsnakes. They aren’t SF and they are just cheating their
readers. Harrison's Law of SF states that the centre of SF is hard SF, and
without the hard centre you have no periphery. And all we really have is the
soft stuff... well, Greg Benford's still writing SF, and Jerry Pournelle's still
doing it, but he can't write. Larry Niven thinks
he's doing it, but he never got his BA science..."
shook his head. "I think maybe SF is all over. Maybe it's dead. It might
just carry on as Star Wars, Star Trek, and fantasy. But the people writing now
just don't know what they are doing. People are exploiting a field that should
be exploiting them.
remember when Ted Sturgeon wrote Killdozer
-- John W. Campbell's Astounding was
only paying two cents a word. John told Ted he only wanted a five thousand word
story. Ted had this story he wanted published so he said it was only five
thousand. Actually it was twelve thousand words -- you had to lie about the
wordage and get less money, but the morale
was there. These days I don't see any editors who care. No writers who care.
The only people who care are the readers -- the readers always care."
talked about his books and the movies.
Soylent Green was half and half.
While they were filming it I heard Edward G. Robinson asking the director 'Look
I don't understand my role in this!' -- as well he might not, it was a rotten screenplay! -- and I went over
and said to him, 'Look, I wrote the book, can I explain it to you?' He said
sure. I said 'if I live to the year 2000 then you're me. The only guy who
remembers what it was like in the good world.' And he went off and put the whole
thing together. It was his last film.
currently the idea of a Stainless Steel Rat movie is looking good. Bill
McCutchion, who did The Scarlet and the
Red is getting together money for the film (and remember, we're talking the
annual budget of South Korea here. A film costs at least twenty million dollars
these days.) There's also this guy, Alex Cox, who wants to do a film of Bill, The Galactic Hero, and he's seeing
Roger Corman for finance on that now. Walt Disney have the option on The Technicolour Time Machine."
had a clause written into the contract giving him a hundred thousand dollars on
the first day of shooting. "It's peanuts to them," he said, grinning.
Stainless Steel Rat books are Harry's best-known books, with their eponymous
hero, the engaging 'Slippery Jim'de Griz, super-criminal and unwilling
world/galaxy/universe-saver. I feel the funniest will be the fourth. The
Stainless Steel Rat Wants You, an almost-surreal romp through a universe
populated by the scaled, the fanged, the tailed and the properly tentacled, all
hell-bent on the conquest and destruction of the human-populated galaxy, with
only Slippery Jim (in a monster costume) standing between them and total
annihilation for us. "Well, all that came from my subconscious, you know.
There are all these ugly tentacled things, so they build this slimy pustuled
tentacle suit for the Rat to get into -- it's the ugliest thing you've seen in
your life -- to penetrate the alien defenses. So he's approaching the alien
planet, and there's one of these revolting aliens on his viewscreen, and it was
meant to say 'Who are you, why are you entering our space?' all that stuff.
Instead I found myself typing 'Hello, cutie?'
My evil subconscious had noticed that to these things this creature was cute! The whole book changed at that
point -- it went from a normal book to a case of absolute fucking hysteria! I
was laughing as I wrote it! It was absolute nonsense, just one joke after
another -- it possessed me. But that
was the one line that started it all. People say 'The character took off...' --
characters don't actually take off, it's just your subconscious."
he going to write another Rat book? "Only one. A prologue. The Rat
escaping from Borstal, starting his career. A Stainless Steel Rat Is Born,. The
last Rat book, I can't go on at the other end, otherwise I do The Stainless
Steel Rat, Old Age Pensioner. Six is
are his future plans?
films. I'd like to do the screenplay, expand my horizons -- why not? I'm
writing some computer-games based on the books. Perhaps, having been an artist,
I view all the arts as a lump. Film, TV, comics, computer-games, novels, short
stories: I love them all."
English science fiction writers he likes and respects Brian Aldiss. There are a
couple of authors he has less respect for (no, I'm not going to say who they
are) and he proceeded to make a few wickedly funny jokes about them. I told him
that I thought that authors stuck together.
we do Even authors whose work I can't read, I'll never knock a fellow author.
But I always knock the shits. Some are born shits, some achieve
shitdom, and some have shitdom thrust upon them.
these two shits we were talking about. In a way I feel sorry for them, cos in
their heart of hearts they know they
are bad writers. Like when I was an artist I was a second rater and I knew it.
As a writer I'm OK -- there are better writers and there are worse. But it must
be very hard, being creative and knowing you're a second rater... I mean, look
at you."
you. You're twenty-fucking-three and you're on your way up. But these guys,
they've got three or four novels in print, and then they find they are no
fucking good. It must be a blow."
does Mr. Harrison have any advice to would-be writers?
sure. Firstly -- Forget it Kid! Then:
type double spaced on one side of the paper only, is a good beginning. Or
realistically, if you want to write science fiction and make money, read all of SF, so you know what's been done
before. Then read mainstream fiction, so you know how to write. Ninety-nine
percent of all known SF authors (Brian Aldiss is a notable exception) can't
write worth shit!
mainstream authors to get the techniques, the crafts, the skills, learn to
parse a sentence, learn to open a story with sincerity, grab the reader with a
narrative hook, learn how to open. Captivate your reader. Do what Hemingway
said, make sure the story moves at some level at all times. He also said that
every good writer has an inborn shit detector, you know, you write the page,
then sniff. (He also said 'if you like it then throw it out,' which I think is
going a bit far.)
is a very hard-learned craft and trade. You work at it as hard as being, say, a
brain-surgeon. No-one can tell you how to do it: if you do it right you do it,
and if you don't you fall on your ass."
that was almost that.
it was decided that some more photos of Harry were needed, and I came along to
the studio to waft the dry-ice around (a grossly underrated profession; Dry-ice
wafting takes skill, dedication, experience and guts. And a piece of
to say, the photographer was late.
Of course, I don't know the copyright issues involved in sharing
something like this... so, if you own the copyright
to this and would like me to remove it from my blog, please contact me
(this blog is created through my google account, so it is very easy to
reach me privately). For everyone else, here's the source information.
"West Of Eden" Harry Harrison interview by Neil Gaiman, photographs by John Copthorne p52-56
Knave, Volume 16, No. 8
Cover Date: August 1984
Price: £1.00
Publisher: Galaxy Publications Ltd.
Editor: Ian Pemble
ISSN: 0265-1289
Again, the original article as a scanned image can be found: Here.
1 comment:
I'll be honest to not being much of a sci fi or fantasy lit nerd. I never read as much as others and I'll never catch up on my "Must read" list since it's monsterious and I'm lazy. But it's always interesting seeing writers talk about their craft and what they'd done to get where they are.
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