At the end of the month, I have accumulated just over 25,000 words on a single project. Sort of. Some of the pieces feel like they belong to distinctly different stories though in my mind they are all part of the same world. Some of it was world-building, as opposed to the story arc of my main protagonist(s) (never even met the secondary protagonist).
My NaNoWriMo Graph |
I failed to KNOW my characters very well. I didn't know my characters, so it was very difficult to invest in their story. Certainly, I find their story interesting, or I'd have thrown it to the wayside immediately.
The pieces that got me to and beyond my daily word goal? Those were about characters I adapted from other half-formed stories in my mind, characters that I've played with and known in some regard or another (some of them for several years). These were easy. I knew their internal landscape. I could put them in situations of varying types and I'd know how they'd react, respond, what they'd get out of those situations, how they might change and develop... I knew them.
Kyern, though? The first of my two main protagonists? I don't know him. What I do know of him, he doesn't know yet. I know he's young, a little confused, and pretty much 'lost' in the world. He lives his day to day life and that's all there is. At the beginning of this story, he doesn't yet know ANY of the things that might make him more interesting. He's pretty much just a regular kid (young adult, but... kid) who has a very irregular destiny ahead of him. I found exploring his life, his daily routine, to be rather boring - but I needed to explore it to get to know THIS much about him. (I did discover an old man who is pretty interesting though). Novel-story progression is slower... maybe not as slow as my mind has painted it, but slower than a short story's nonetheless. I learned a lot from it and about it.
I have to say that I did not get very much use out of the NNWM community. I don't need the pep talks, and I don't like the socialization aspects of it. I also don't like the competitive nature it evokes when it declares those who reached the 50,000 words "winners" - that means that everyone who didn't (even if they didn't give up) are losers... and that's incorrect. (If there are "winners", there are "losers" - that's how the dichotomy works.) Maybe I'm being overly semantic. Maybe I think that the people who really won are the people who will keep writing, who didn't stop writing even when they knew they weren't going to reach 50,000 words...
In any case! I participated, I did not reach 50,000 words in 30 days, and in the future I will not be participating within the "official" capacity again.
I wrote.
I outlined a novel (or series!) length story, which is something I've never done before.
This story is interesting.
I don't need a 30 day "writing competition" to tell me that I'm worthy, that I am a writer.
Maybe what really bugs me is that I don't think the word "won" even has a place in this process. I think there's did and did not.
I did:
A lot of things I'd never done before, including writing (almost) every day on a singular project.
I did not:
Reach the 50,000 word goal within one month.
When compared to one another? One of those things has significantly more weight than the other.
The end result is that NaNoWriMo isn't a fit for me. I'm very, extremely happy for those people who find it to be a useful motivator and tool, but now I know it doesn't serve the same purpose in my personal space.
You got further than me. I only pushed my story 8000 words. I am, however, really happy with those 8000 words. I used the event more as motivation. I've been so involved in "platform building" that I shelved a working novel. This got me excited about it again.
I don't know if I'll ever do NaNo again...but if I do, I have no intention of winning. As if it means anything to actually win. I think the people who do finish have NaYrEdit, where they try to unscramble all hat hurried writing.
I hope you find a way to like, or deepen your characters.
So far I have about 10,000 words and haven't wr.itten a single scene. Granted, I wasn't participating in NaNoWriMo
Thanks Chris!
I'm sure that I'll warm up a little bit to Kyern as things go along. I like the story that I need him to move through (or maybe he's not my protagonist and I don't know it yet).
I can cheer heartily for your 8000 words - I know how nice it is to be happy with what's been done.
If I ever do something like NaNo again, it won't be in November. School, finals, holidays, vacations... it's an obstacle course I wouldn't chose, given 11 other options.
Words are words, and 10k is nothing to sneeze at. I probably have about that many words in sheer 'set up' or 'pre-scenes'... Something else this has taught me is that I need to focus on/practice world building.
Congrats on all the stuff you did and on staying positive. I think one of the nice things (for me, anyway) about the NaNoWriMo community is that through other places (Google+, Twitter, etc; not so much through the website itself) I've gotten to meet and be encouraged by and get to know people I wouldn't have otherwise with at least one thing in common with me.
Write on!
Thanks, Jennifer. You're right and I hadn't even THOUGHT of the social networking that could happen. I'm so busy trying to finesse my way through my social anxiety that I tend to miss out on the social frontiers that the internet and activities like NaNoWriMo can offer.
I am getting a little better at using G+ though!
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